2390 Gun Range Rd.
Geneva, FL 32732

Silhouette practice for Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette shooting

SCGAA 2390 Gun Range Rd, Geneva, FL, United States

Saturday, September 14th from 8:30am to 11:30am, Bill & Chris will be hosting a Silhouette practice for any members that are interested in trying out Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette shooting. […]

Fall Bowling Pin Shoot!

On Sunday, 9/29/24 SCGAA will have a Members only Fall Bowling Pin Shoot on the Competition Range. Start time 8AM, last shot fired at 11AM.


SCGAA 2390 Gun Range Rd, Geneva, FL, United States

Range maintenance will be performed on the Competition Range on this upcoming Sunday morning, October 6, 2024.  Thank you for your understanding.

Silhouette Match on Competition range

SCGAA 2390 Gun Range Rd, Geneva, FL, United States

Silhouette match on Competition range are from September-May and take place every second Saturday of the month.  They are currently scheduled for 9/14/24, 10/12/24, 11/9/24 and 12/14/24.  Matches are for […]

Bench Rest Competition

SCGAA 2390 Gun Range Rd, Geneva, FL, United States

Bench Rest Competition on Competition Range takes place every second Sunday of the month.  They are currently scheduled for 9/8/24, 10/13/24, 11/10/24 and 12/8/24. We shoot all year including summer. […]

NRA Hunter Education

SCGAA 2390 Gun Range Rd, Geneva, FL, United States

Please register via the FWC website and complete the online class. The gates open at 7:30 AM. The current date for the class is scheduled for Saturday, 10/19/24.

NRA Approved SmallBore Rifle Match

SCGAA 2390 Gun Range Rd, Geneva, FL, United States

NRA Approved SmallBore Rifle Match on Competition Range.  This match is not shot during June, July, or August. The Small Bore Rifle Competition take place every third Saturday of the […]